Tunisia has been home to the Zenata Berbers since earliest times and its history is linked to the rise and fall of the Mediterranean-centered empires. Carthage (near present-day Tunis), founded in the 9th century BC, became the hub of a 1,000-year Phoenician trading empire which linked European and African trading networks. Tunisia was then incorporated into the Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Ottoman and, finally, French empires.
* 1883 La Marsa Treaty makes Tunisia a French protectorate, ending its semi-independence. Bey of Tunis remains monarch.
* 1900 Influx of French and Italian settlers begins.
* 1920 Destour (Constitution) Party formed; calls for self-government.
* 1935 Habib Bourguiba forms Neo-Destour (New Constitution) Party.
* 1943 Defeat of Axis powers by British troops restores French rule.
* 1955 Internal autonomy. Bourguiba returns from exile.
* 1956 Independence. Bourguiba elected prime minister. Personal Statutes Code gives rights to women. Family planning introduced.
* 1957 The Bey is deposed. Tunisia becomes a republic with Bourguiba as first president.
* 1964 Neo-Destour becomes the only legal political party; changes its name to Destour Socialist Party (PSD). Moderate socialist economic program is introduced.
* 1974 Bourguiba becomes president for life. Trade unions disagree with PSD over economic policy.
* 1974รป1976 Hundreds imprisoned for belonging to "illegal organizations."
* 1978 Trade union movement, UGTT, holds 24-hour general strike; over 50 killed in clashes. UGTT leadership replaced with PSD loyalists.
* 1980 Guerrillas attack Gafsa in western Tunisia; government forces quickly regain control. New prime minister Muhammed Mazli ushers in greater political tolerance.
* 1981 Elections. Opposition groups allege electoral fraud after failing to win enough votes to entitle them to recognition as parties.
* 1984 Widespread riots after food price increases.
* 1986 General Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali becomes interior minister. Four Muslim fundamentalists sentenced to death.
* 1987 Fundamentalist leader Rachid Gannouchi arrested. Ben Ali becomes prime minister; takes over presidency after doctors certify Bourguiba senile. PSD becomes the RCD.
* 1988 Most political prisoners released. Constitutional reforms introduce multiparty system and abolish life presidency. Two opposition parties legalized.
* 1989 Elections. RCD wins all seats. Ben Ali president. Fundamentalists take 13% of vote. Gannouchi, now leader of banned Islamic Al-Nahda party, goes into exile.
* 1990 Tunisia backs Iraq over invasion of Kuwait. Clampdown on fundamentalists intensifies.
* 1991 Abortive coup blamed on Al-Nahda; over 500 arrests.
* 1993 Agreement on electoral reform paves way for opposition parties to participate equally with RCD in 1994 elections.